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About Lord Li

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Regarding the author.

I pursue the profession of project management. Neither am I a programmer, nor a novelist, let alone a painter.

I have discovered that I can simultaneously become the desired person in the aforementioned three fields, which I could never achieve solely based on my personal abilities.

As a project manager, I am acutely aware of the limitations of my skills and expertise in certain areas. However, with the emergence of artificial intelligence, I have begun pondering the possibility of harnessing this technology to add an element of amusement.

The advancement of AI technology has presented remarkable opportunities for individuals to surpass their own abilities and limitations. Despite not being a programmer, I have delved into the fundamental principles and applications of artificial intelligence, realizing its potential to assist us in various ways. The formidable computational and learning capabilities of AI enable us to accomplish things that were previously unimaginable through algorithms and data. For instance, I have created a small program to facilitate the utilization of AI technology.

To me, the most exhilarating aspect of AI lies in its creativity. Although I am not a novelist, I have always harbored a dream of writing a novel. By employing AI techniques such as natural language processing and generative models, I can input a few keywords or plot points and have AI generate an intriguing story. This creative process not only allows me to experience the joy of writing but also fulfills a long-standing aspiration.

Furthermore, AI can aid me in realizing my artistic ideas. Despite not being a painter, I possess a profound interest in fine arts. With the assistance of AI’s image generation and editing capabilities, I can transform my imagination into works of art. Merely by describing the desired style and elements of an image, AI is able to produce astonishing masterpieces. This opportunity enables me to engage in artistic practice while broadening my horizons and nurturing my creativity.

By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, I have come to realize that I can become a more comprehensive creator. Whether integrating innovative thinking into my work or unleashing my imagination in writing and art, AI provides me with a platform to fulfill my dreams. I firmly believe that as technology continues to evolve, AI will continue to assist us in achieving our deepest desires and forging a brighter future.

(Yes, you are right, this paragraph was generated by AI.)