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Chapter 1: Musings in Monochrome

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After a prolonged sojourn within the confinements of a cage, one has finally regained the embrace of the natural world. - Tao Yuanming, “Returning to the Countryside and My Farm”

“You say, wouldn’t it be nice to live like a giant panda, eating and sleeping to your heart’s content?” Lin Yi Yi gazed blankly at the pandas in the zoo’s panda exhibit, casually remarking.

“Come on, my dear genius, you’re a medical graduate student at a prestigious university, destined to become a top surgeon. Your parents would be devastated to know that you spent twenty years in school just to live such a life. They’d give you panda eyes.” Yue Tian Tian didn’t want to let Lin Yi Yi continue on this topic. Once Lin Xiaojie fell into a mode like that of Daiyu, it wouldn’t take three sentences for the conversation to soar to philosophical heights. Yue Tian Tian didn’t want to ruin her good mood.

“Seriously. Look, they’re national treasures, their job is to be adorable, and they never have to worry about food and clothing. Don’t you envy them?” Lin Yi Yi was still caught up in this topic. Ever since being diagnosed with “essential tremor,” a hereditary disease, this “genius” aspiring to become a surgical virtuoso occasionally wondered about the meaning of life.

“Why? Is that tremor disease of yours acting up again? I see you’re holding that big SLR camera steady, you’re doing just fine.” Yue Tian Tian tried to rescue Lin Xiaojie from her emotional world by asking rational questions.

“I only shake in specific situations, constantly shaking is called Parkinsonism. Parkinsonism syndrome, you know?” Indeed, as soon as they entered Lin Yi Yi’s professional field, the topic quickly changed direction. Tian Tian secretly rejoiced in her heart. As long as they entered the realm of reason, this “genius” doctor wouldn’t be overly sentimental.

“Oh, by the way… I’ve switched to internal medicine.” Lin Yi Yi smiled bitterly and continued on the topic of pandas. “But, they just sit around all day and it’s quite boring.” Lin Yi Yi’s mood still hadn’t improved. Even such an adorable creature in front of her couldn’t make her happy.

“That’s right, when they’re not sitting still, they’re just rolling around. If you ask me, they should come to my personal training sessions! They should see Trainer Yue every day and Trainer Tian every month.” Tian Tian looked at Lin Yi Yi’s expression and tried to cheer her up. Yue Tian Tian was a gold medal fitness instructor who opened his own gym just a few years after graduation. He excelled in yoga, swimming, and rock climbing.

“You’re right, they do seem happy, but it seems like they lack a bit of freedom. The panda base is pretty big, but…” Some nerve seemed to be touched, and Lin Yi Yi seemed to be speaking to herself.

“Pandas are ancient animals, and it’s not feasible to let them live in the wild recklessly. As long as they can reproduce and live happily, why should we consider so much? And by designating protected areas, people can better observe and understand the pandas’ habits and lifestyle, which is also good for them.” Yue Tian Tian stared intently at the pandas and the keepers interacting and casually said, “Yi Yi, the issue you mentioned does have a solution. From what I know, there have been recent attempts at reintroducing pandas into the wild, but progress is slow and it requires human intervention and technological assistance. Perhaps in the future, they can return to nature.”

“I see.” Both of their WeChat accounts rang simultaneously.

“Outsider, a highly-rated escape room with no jump scares throughout the whole experience. It’s been very popular lately, and it’s particularly difficult to get a reservation on weekends. I managed to snag a Saturday slot, don’t bail!” - Si Nan

“No jump scares and still terrifying? Sounds interesting, count me in.” - Wu Hen

“Is it reliable? Last time, they said it was just a little scary, but then it went completely dark and someone dropped from the ceiling onto the operating table. I was so scared that I kept looking at the ceiling in the anatomy room for two weeks, and my mentor scolded me several times.” - Lin Yi Yi

“Why be afraid? Si Nan and I promise to stick with you every step of the way, and besides, there are no jump scares. Even if it’s scary, it’s limited.” - Yue Tian Tian

“Since all the experts are joining, let me join in the fun. See you on Saturday.” - Mo Yu

Outsider - This article is part of a series.
Part 1: This Article