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Chapter 8: The Idyllic Utopia of a Foreign Land

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The transformation of ideas and the power of human will have shaped the world we live in today. - Hayek, “The Road to Serfdom”

In an ordinary office, the screen on the desk flickered with a line of text: “Taoyuan Laboratory - Wuling Project - Model Training for the 4294967296th Time Completed.”

Today is July 1st, 2323, the first day of internship for young A at Taoyuan Laboratory. She has just completed her first data observation experiment without any surprises or difficulties. Everything went smoothly. A is in a good mood, humming a song as she begins to tidy up and prepare to end the day’s work.

In the early 21st century, artificial intelligence technology began to explode, and civilization and technology continued to advance. Seizing this opportunity, humanity began to pursue breakthroughs in their own capabilities. After about three centuries of development, upgrading and transformation of the human brain and body had already become a trend. However, due to uncontrolled evolution and the wild growth of AI bioengineered technology, human society went through a long period of chaos and darkness. Fortunately, in the past century, people have learned from their lessons and reestablished social rules: at birth, humans can choose to upgrade and modify their brains or bodies, while strictly limiting bioengineered technology, ensuring that the consciousness and emotions of bioengineered beings do not become too complex and that they must act according to human commands. On this basis, stable “Sages” have emerged, pursuing advanced intelligence, as well as “Pioneers” who seek to break the limits of physical capabilities. They coexist harmoniously with bioengineered beings, heralding the beginning of peace.

However, just as the harmonious symphony was playing its overture, discordant notes began to appear.

A group known as the “Primordial People” has entered people’s eyes in the past two years. They are descendants of a portion of humanity from the mid-21st century. In the eyes of current humans, they are considered natural and somewhat primitive, having not undergone any upgrades or modifications. It is said that in the mid-21st century, their ancestors believed that humans were a gift of creation and that maintaining the rhythm of natural evolution was the best interpretation of humanity. They rejected all non-essential artificial means of optimizing and modifying humans. In an era of technological development and chaos, this ideology quickly spread and had a significant impact. After arduous negotiations and struggles, the ancestors of the Primordial People won the right to live apart from human society, to have a secret place for their lives, and to be provided with resources. They can maintain their purity and live in isolation from the world. As the communication between the two sides ceased, this group of people gradually became forgotten by mainstream society.

The truth will always surface, and falsehood can only be sustained for a while. In the past two years, the external society occasionally observed the existence of the Primordial People. Among them, adventurous young individuals among the Primordial People continuously expanded their activities. The barriers that were once built seemed fragile, and the secluded “Taoyuan Land” reserved by the Primordial People, their days of not knowing the outside world, were becoming precarious.

The Taoyuan Laboratory where A is interning was established to address the relationship between the Taoyuan Land and the external society through the Wuling Project. As the name implies, the aim is to play the role of the Wuling Fisherman, seeking the correct path between Taohuayuan and the external world - not a physical path, but a path for the harmonious coexistence of the Primordial People and existing populations. A is aware of these grand objectives, but she is still unclear about her specific role in the experiment. She plans to take this opportunity during her work report to ask and clarify.

A put on a professional and obedient smile and knocked on the door at the end of the corridor.

“Teacher, I…”

“In a work setting, it’s better to address me as Director. How is it? Can you handle the first day of your internship?” the Director asked with a gentle smile.

“Well, Director, I can. It’s just that I’m a bit slow in my actions, and I made you wait for a while,” A replied.

“That’s alright. Let’s set the report aside for now. I trust your abilities. What I want to know is, do you have any specific questions about this experiment?”

“Oh, as expected of the Director!” A praised with relief and a hint of flattery. “Hehe, then I won’t hold back. I have quite a few questions. First, why is the experiment set several hundred years ago and in the form of a virtual secret chamber?”

“Based on our previous remote observations, the physical abilities, thought processes, and social cognitive levels of the Primordial People are consistent with the early to mid-21st century. The data simulation is set in this period to better align with their own cognition. As for the secret chamber, it is a highly regulated and tense enclosed space that can quickly stimulate the traits of the simulated subjects. You know, the simulated subjects in the simulation environment have a certain degree of autonomy and are not entirely controlled. Sometimes they deliberately conceal their own traits. We haven’t fully understood the specific reasons yet, so our current approach is to design special scenarios, and the secret chamber is one of them,” the Director explained with a helpless smile.

“OK, I understand. Second question, how exactly can this experiment help the Primordial People?”

“Have you seen giant pandas? These creatures are cute and ancient, having lived on Earth for nearly 8 million years. Their biological structures haven’t evolved much over the course of time. Their foraging, digestive, and reproductive abilities are not strong. They have thrived under the protection and assistance of humans.”

“Yes, Director. Are you saying…?”

“If we suddenly release a giant panda that is accustomed to living in an artificial environment into the wild, giving it freedom but requiring it to independently forage and survive, facing a flood of new and unfamiliar things, and not being able to distinguish what is dangerous or what are natural enemies… is that humane?” Without waiting for A’s answer, the Director continued, “I assume you would agree that it is better to gradually give the giant panda the basic survival skills in the wild before releasing it, right? This experiment follows a similar rationale.”

“I think I understand. It seems that our current populations cannot differentiate directly based on appearance. The experiment can help the Primordial People quickly understand the traits of various populations. However… our world is not a wilderness for survival. Based on today’s experiment, it seems that the various populations are getting along well, without the exaggeration of natural enemies or dangers, right?” A asked.

“Hahaha, you have only done a few experiments so far. It’s only your first day of internship, I can’t make it difficult for you.” The Director laughed heartily, then frowned. “Recognition is the most fundamental. After correctly identifying, they will experience and perceive the gap in physical and mental abilities and seek the correct self-orientation. The return of the Primordial People is a step-by-step process. Human thoughts are complex and ever-changing, and the harmonious coexistence of multiple populations is not easily achieved. After conducting several more experiments, you will understand.”

A vaguely understood, hesitated for a moment, and then asked, “Director… no, Teacher, I still have one question. Let’s take this experiment I’m currently involved in as an example. We have already accumulated a lot of data, and with parallel projects going on, the amount of data and number of models are immense. How will the Primordial People, with their unaugmented brains, be able to receive such a massive amount of information once it is complete?”

“Yes, how will they receive it?” The Director didn’t answer, but instead looked out the window.

Are the modified Primordial People still Primordial People?

The night sky outside the window was deep and the stars were shining brightly. Whether there is an answer to this question or not, tomorrow will be another day.


Outsider - This article is part of a series.
Part 8: This Article