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Reflections on using AI assistance for creation.

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AI experience.

In the process of utilizing AI assistance for creation, I have deeply appreciated its convenience and efficiency. The AI assistant swiftly comprehends my requirements and offers me a plethora of creative sources and suggestions.

Furthermore, it aids me in discerning high-quality materials, alleviating the arduous burden of creative work.

Moreover, AI-assisted creation has broadened my thinking and shattered my self-imposed limitations. At times, the AI assistant presents unexpected solutions, igniting novel inspiration within my creative endeavors. This amalgamation of interdisciplinary thinking has greatly propelled the elevation of my creative aptitude.

However, I am acutely aware that AI-assisted creation is not omnipotent. It still falls short of replacing human’s unique aesthetic sensibilities and emotional expressions. Hence, during the creative process, we should adeptly employ the AI assistant while simultaneously preserving our independent thinking and imaginative prowess.

Below are my reflections on the process of utilizing AI for the creation of my latest novel.

(model: gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613, word count: 157, token estimate: 197)

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